Stamp prices up, Post Offices closing, and Royal Mail up for sale
But do you know why? It‘s because the EU told our government here in the UK to let Europeanpostal firms cherry pick the profitable part of the UK’s postal services. Leaving our post
offices and mail service with the unprofitable parts.
More expensive rubbish collection means cuts to other council services
But do you know why? It’s because the EU told our government to put a tax on all rubbish thatisn’t recycled. Unlike most of the EU, the UK has plenty of space for unrecycled rubbish
disposal, but the EU won’t let us use it.
Fuel costs are high and rising
But do you know why? It’s because the EU told our government to stop using so many coal andgas power stations, when we have coal and gas supplies to last over 300 years! Instead the
EU make us pay tax to use our own resources.
We elect a government to govern the UK from Westminster, why do they defer to the EU and
not us? You can be 100% sure a UKIP government would always put the British people first.
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